How to Create and Run a Paperless Law Office (2024)

It’s no secret that law firms love paper. It’s also no secret that paper requires extra time to file, store, find, and search through files — a strong contrast to the ease of use offered by digital documents.

But the benefits of going paperless are even bigger than you think.

In this article, we share some of the key advantages of a paperless office, as well as actionable steps you can take to move your firm in a more digital direction. We’ll also showcase some of the best tools to support your paperless initiatives and our top tips for managing your digital workspace.

Why Law Offices Should Go Paperless

Odds are, your firm is operating with amélange of electronic and physical files. But by keeping one foot in the world of paper, you’re missing out on some of the most significant benefits that a digital workspace can provide for your firm. By going paperless, your firm can:

  • Boost efficiency. It’s obvious that working with electronic files is faster and easier than paper documents —whether you’re searching for a specific file, collaborating with colleagues, or sending documents to a client. Everything is easier when it’s digital, which means you can get more done in less time, and spend more of your time focused on high-value work rather than tedious administrative tasks.
  • Access anywhere. As we all now know from hard-earned experience, trying to work normally when you’re outside the office can be extremely challenging — especially if your firm relies on physical documents. On the other hand, if all your documents are digital, you can access everything you need from a laptop or mobile device. That means work is easier whether you’re at home, in the courtroom, or on vacation.
  • Ensure security. Your primary responsibility as an attorney is to protect your client, which includes protecting their data. Having a mix of digital and paper documents means you have to double down on your security policies and procedures. But with a paperless law office, you can gain stronger and more granular security controls to ensure that only authorized users have access to each file. (Not to mention the benefits of cloud-based backups in the event of natural disasters or office theft.) That’s what we call peace of mind.
  • Save money. Let’s face it: storing an electronic file is far less expensive than storing a paper one. From paper and printers to shelving and square footage, physical document storage costs can add up quickly. With digital document management, however, you dramatically reduce your files’ footprint… and when you are pushing the limits of your storage capacity, scaling up only takes a few clicks.
  • Stay sane. Have you ever been on the hunt fora document and started to feel a little crazy? Losing track of a file can be exhausting no matter how you have to search for it — but conducting a digital search is much more efficient than digging through box after box after box of physical files.
  • Enhance clients’ experience. The fact is, our lives are growing more digital each day, and digital-first customer experiences are becoming the norm across nearly every industry. That means many clients come to your firm expecting a modern standard of speed and ease. In addition to all the internal benefits to your firm, having a paperless law office can also help you meet client expectations…which translates to better reviews and more referrals down the road.

Steps to Creating a Paperless Law Office

It’s clear that going paperless offers significant benefits for law firms. But how do you actually get started with going paperless?

  1. Make a commitment.

    To be successful going paperless, you need to have your entire firm on board — and you need to be fully committed. A half-hearted attempt (or dissension among the ranks) will only create confusion and unnecessary delays while depriving your team of all the benefits that digital document management has to offer.

  2. Get equipped.

    Eliminating (or at least, greatly reducing) your dependence on physical documents does require a few tools. Things like scanners, paper shredders, and of course, cloud-based document management software, will all be necessary to make sure that all of your vital information is properly digitally stored. We’ll cover these tools in more detail below.

  3. Design your workflows.

    It’s important to create a clear, consistent process for how you’ll handle the transition from physical to digital document management. For example:

    • How will you deal with internally-created documents?
    • How will you handle new client intake?
    • Does your state require you to keep originals of certain documents?
    • What about files that may be considered evidence?

    Another vital aspect of this process is to define your overall folder structure and file naming conventions. Being consistent in this area will make it much easier to find what you’re looking for down the road, as well as helping everyone in the firm stay on the same page and simplify onboarding for new attorneys and staff.

    Perhaps it goes without saying, but in the process of going paperless, you should prioritize documents that are relevant to active cases.

  4. Leverage templates.

    One of the biggest benefits of digital documents and workflows is the ability to use templates. Using a template can greatly reduce the amount of time required to complete a task and prevent you from having to reinvent the wheel with each new matter. Here are a few of the best ways to leverage templates for your firm:

    • Produce templates for the top 10 documents your firm creates on a regular basis.
    • Make standardized checklists for common processes, projects, or matter types.
    • Templatize your folder structure to help you stay consistent as new matters come in.
  5. Take it firm-wide.

    Although actual legal work accounts for the majority of your firm’s paper, it’s not the only source. Other departments such as finance/accounting, billing and collections, and human resources may also deal with large amounts of paper and would benefit from going paperless. In fact, giving these teams modern tools can come with added perks, like improving analytics and getting invoices paid faster.

Best Tools to Support a Paperless Law Office

As previously mentioned, you need to have the right tools in place for your firm to truly go paperless. And while it might require a decent investment upfront, the long-term benefits will more than makeup for the costs. Here’s what you need to help take your firm digital:

Document Management System (DMS)

A cloud-based document and email management platform is the most critical component of your firm’s paperless strategy. In addition to providing secure storage for your digital files, a DMS can offer additional tools to make document-based work more productive (and secure!) than ever — including collaboration functions, advanced security, and more.

One important feature to look for is OCR, or optical character recognition. This tool enables you to digitize documents and images to turn them into searchable, usable files —whether it’s a PDF or a scanned legacy document.

Electronic Signature Solution

While there may still be some cases where you need a wet signature, electronic signing carries the same weight and legal effect in many (if not most) situations. Adopting a digital signature tool can help your firm further reduce the need for paper — while also accelerating the signature collection process with clients, vendors, and other parties. Additionally, these tools are becoming increasingly simple to adopt as more vendors are building tighter (and free) integrations with companies like DocuSign.

Hardware Needs

When you take your firm paperless, there are a few essential (and nice-to-have) pieces of hardware to consider. Here are our top recommendations:

  • Document scanner. Firms that have been most successful with going paperless make it as convenient as possible. It’s up to you whether that means providing each team member with a document scanner or simply increasing their general availability. The compact size of a portable scanner may also appeal to many attorneys, with the added ability to easily transport it as needed (such as when working remotely).
  • Paper shredder. As you convert your paper files to digital, you’ll need a way to securely destroy the physical copies. During the initial stages of going paperless, it may make more sense to hire a shredding service due to the vast quantities of paper you’ll be disposing of.
  • Extra monitor. If you’re accustomed to referencing a physical copy of a document while working on a computer, you’ll quickly tire of jumping between tabs or trying to make multiple documents visible on a single screen. To help ease the transition (and ensure you get all the benefits of going paperless), get an additional monitor.

Managing a Digital Workspace

While it’s true that making the paperless transition can require some heavy lifting, the ongoing upkeep is really quite simple. Of course, that’s the whole goal, right? To make it easier for you to store, find, and use your documents.

The most important principle of managing a digital workspace is to be consistent. Stick to the same process every time you receive incoming paper documents, maintain an easy-to-use structure with your digital folders, and always follow the established naming conventions. This will ensure that your digital workspace stays organized and make it easy for your team to find what they need.

Remember, people are also more likely to follow protocol if you make it easy for them — especially at the beginning. While most people will understand the benefits of consistency in theory, they may still be reluctant to change their ways. The simpler you can make it, the more likely they’ll be to adopt the new process.

Security and Data Governance

There’s one last thing we should cover relating to digital document management: security and governance. While news stories about high-profile cybersecurity threats are no laughing matter, they can also be misleading.

The truth is that storing your documents in the cloud can be far more secure than storing them on-site — either physically or digitally. Furthermore, a DMS can offer advanced security controls for user access and actions, so you can be confident that your documents and data are protected from either unintentional or malicious data breaches.

Let Us Help Your Firm Go Paperless

If you want to truly take advantage of all digital document management has to offer, NetDocuments can help.

As the leading cloud-based DMS, our platform is specifically designed to support legal work — enabling attorneys to create, edit, store, locate, and collaborate on documents from anywhere and on any device. In addition to the core platform, we offer a variety of tools to enhance your productivity and drive better results for your firm.

To see how NetDocuments can help your firm claim the full benefits of going paperless, request a demotoday!

How to Create and Run a Paperless Law Office (2024)


How to Create and Run a Paperless Law Office? ›

Law firm structures and trends

There is a managing partner and firm partners. There may also potentially be equity partners and non-equity partners. And then there are associates and staff, including legal assistants, paralegals, receptionists, and office managers.

How do you set up and run a law office efficiently? ›

The 7 habits of highly effective law firms
  1. Define and communicate your firm's focus. ...
  2. Provide clear leadership from the top down. ...
  3. Establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) ...
  4. Organize and minimize paper with document automation. ...
  5. Use legal technology to your benefit. ...
  6. Be vigilant with finance and accounting. ...
  7. Track KPIs.

How to build a paperless office? ›

How to Create a Paperless Office for Your Business in 10 Simple...
  1. Assess existing technologies. ...
  2. Document change management. ...
  3. Create a digitization list. ...
  4. Automate digitization processes. ...
  5. Choose suitable storage. ...
  6. Shred paper records. ...
  7. Implement paperless file-sharing. ...
  8. Leverage e-signature solutions.
Jul 22, 2024

How to manage the office layout and work routine to facilitate a paperless office? ›

How to create a paperless office
  1. Provide tools and training for staff. ...
  2. Make it easier to work without paper. ...
  3. Move/remove printers and copiers. ...
  4. Devise a new paperless filing system. ...
  5. Switch from file cabinets to digital storage.
  6. Enable digital scanners. ...
  7. Integrate with business operations. ...
  8. Replace fax machines.

How to transition to a paperless office? ›

7 Tips For How To Move To A Paperless Office System At Your Company
  1. Implement A Culture & Execute Training That Encourages Scanning Everything. ...
  2. Embrace Electronic Signatures. ...
  3. Implement Paperless Billing. ...
  4. Reward Good Behavior, Limit Unwanted Behavior. ...
  5. Get Employees To Take Digital Notes.

How is a law office structured? ›

Law firm structures and trends

There is a managing partner and firm partners. There may also potentially be equity partners and non-equity partners. And then there are associates and staff, including legal assistants, paralegals, receptionists, and office managers.

How do I make my law firm stand out? ›

Adding an abstract and visual element could work well with a tagline saying either what your practice or brand promise is. Monograms are extremely popular in the legal industry and for good reason. They are simple, classy and easy to include on anything from letterheads to brand merch.

What is the problem of paperless office? ›

Software issues often act as an impediment to going paperless. Customer information, passwords, bank details, asset information— your files contain confidential data hackers would love to get their hands on.

How can we encourage paperless office? ›

How do I make my office paperless?
  1. Use the cloud. Create a streamlined file storage and retrieval system to reduce paper copies using the cloud. ...
  2. Remove printers. ...
  3. Scan documents. ...
  4. Forward fax documents to your email. ...
  5. Sign documents digitally. ...
  6. Switch to digital business cards. ...
  7. Use digital invoices. ...
  8. Take green notes.

What is an example of a paperless office? ›

Paperless Office Software

Microsoft 365 Suite is one of the most popular tools and includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, as well as options for meetings, file sharing and document management. It offers calendar management, comments and notes, reports and analytics, and templates for documents and tasks.

What is the aim of paperless office? ›

Becoming a paperless office is a desirable goal for the majority of organisations. Doing so means reducing paper consumption and has the intention of saving a lot of money, helping the environment and speeding up business processes.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a paperless office? ›

To find out, let's look at some paperless office advantages and disadvantages.
  • Advantage: Save Money and Space.
  • Disadvantage: Resources are Needed for IT Management and Training.
  • Advantage: Boost your Security.
  • Disadvantage: There's Still the Potential for Cyber Attacks.
Feb 14, 2023

How to run a paperless office? ›

10 steps to a paperless office
  1. Find out what you print now. ...
  2. Calculate potential cost savings. ...
  3. Move to online applications. ...
  4. Don't forget training. ...
  5. Incentivise your employees. ...
  6. Scan any paperwork you receive from other people. ...
  7. Sign documents digitally. ...
  8. Use online banking.

What is the enabling infrastructure for a paperless office? ›

Understand the costs of a paperless office

A paperless office requires physical hardware such as scanners, digital storage, servers to run the software back end and software applications to manage the scanned or digitally created documents.

What are viable solutions for transitioning to a paperless system? ›

Organize and digitize your paper documents and files

Although it may take considerable effort to upload files, it's important to take time to ensure the proper transfer of each document and to categorize the digital versions accurately. Related: How to Scan a Document (With Benefits and Helpful Tips)

How do you effectively manage a law firm? ›

Effective law office management tips
  1. Know your law firm's business plan. All law firms should have a business plan in place. ...
  2. Know your law firm's persona. ...
  3. Invest in team training. ...
  4. Adhere to the gold standard for client service. ...
  5. Keep your finger on the pulse. ...
  6. Create policies and procedures and then enforce them.

How do you run an office efficiently? ›

5 Ways You Can Manage Your Office More Effectively
  1. Keep the Workspace Environment Clutter-Free. ...
  2. Invest in the Right Tools and Technology. ...
  3. Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance. ...
  4. Set Clear Goals and Expectations. ...
  5. Offer Incentives for Meeting Goals.
Mar 20, 2023

How do you set up an effective office? ›

How to design an office
  1. Assess space and needs. Before you plan your new office design, analyze how much space you have and the best ways to use it. ...
  2. Create a design brief. ...
  3. Choose the right people. ...
  4. Set your budget. ...
  5. Start planning the look. ...
  6. Create the space plan. ...
  7. Decorate the office.
Jul 30, 2024

What does a law office manager do? ›

Plan, organize, coordinate, supervise, and manage the work of staff members in a law office. Work closely and in harmony with professional staff.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.