ESO: Top Grimoires Ranked - What to Use (2024)

We explain and rank the top 10 Grimoires in ESO, a spell component of Scribing introduced in The Gold Road Chapter, so you can confidently use them.

This build has been updated for theUpdated 42, theGold Road Chapterof the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO).

Scribing is the new skill system that will drastically change PvE and PvP content in the Elder Scrolls Online. The system utilizes a basic “grimoire” to which you attach three scripts. Each Script modifies the Grimoire, offering more damage, healing, or utility. What’s so impactful about Scribing is it allows you to fill the gaps in your build.

Now, all classes can access many more major and minor buffs they previously couldn’t source in their kit. Especially for PvP, your builds are now much more customizable. That also complicates it, so we’ve ranked the top grimoires so you know what to use and where.

Top ESO Grimoires Ranked – What to Use

The best ESO Grimoires you should use, ranked from best to worst, are:

  1. Mender’s Bond
  2. Vault
  3. Shield Throw
  4. Traveling Knife
  5. Smash
  6. Torchbearer
  7. Wield Soul
  8. Ulfsild’s Contingency
  9. Elemental Explosion
  10. Trample

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  • 10 Trample
  • 9 Elemental Explosion
  • 8 Ulfsild’s Contingency
  • 7 Wield Soul
  • 6 Torchbearer
  • 5 Smash
  • 4 Traveling Knife
  • 3 Shield Throw
  • 2 Vault
  • 1 Mender’s Bond

What are the Best ESO Grimoires?

Mender’s Bond, Vault, and Shield Throw are the best ESO Grimoires because of their utility and buffs, and they should be included in your Update 42 builds immediately. Mender’s Bond is a powerful healer with a well-positioned group and doubles as a Minor Heroism source for the entire group. Vault offers an insane amount of utility and movement in one skill. With various crowd control combinations, Vault is very strong as a kiting and enemy control tool. Shield Throw is a potent source of Major Vitality for a tank and offers many different utility scripts to take advantage of at range.

Let us continue in our ranking of ESO Top Grimoires Ranked and what to use.

10 Trample

Trample is probably the most unique Grimoire of all the top Grimoires ranked. There’s a ton of utility build into this skill, but it’s minimal by the 1.5-second cast time. Still, Trample has the most unique script combinations, and we will see some play. Trample can be built in many ways between guaranteed status effects, damage scaling, and crowd control.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Trample Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Physical Damage
  • Disease Damage
  • Magic Damage
  • Trauma
  • Knockback
  • Stun
  • Dispel

Signature Scripts

  • Assassin’s Misery
  • Cavalier’s Charge
  • Class Mastery
  • Hunter’s Snare
  • Immobilizing Strike
  • Lingering Torment
  • Thief’s Swiftness
  • Warrior’s Opportunity
  • Wayfarer’s Mastery

Affix Scripts

  • Major Savagery/Prophecy
  • Minor Cowardice
  • Minor Defile
  • Minor Expedition
  • Minor Heroism
  • Minor Mangle
  • Minor Vulnerability
  • Off-Balance

The most basic Trample setup is to build for Disease Damage/Assassin’s Misery/Vulnerability because this applies guaranteed status effects, Minor Vuln, and does solid damage. You can also build utility into the skill with Hunter’s Snare or Thief’s Swiftness. These skills include built-in Caltrops and Twisting Path, respectively. However, we cannot rank Trample higher because there are better Grimoires to use in our ESO Rankings, what to use.

9 Elemental Explosion

Elemental Explosion is more of a niche use Grimoire. While the skill is solid, it’s severely limited by the 2-second cast time. You get around this simply by casting it before a short encounter. As a pre-cast trash skill, the 2 seconds don’t matter, and you still get the huge, hard-hitting AOE damage. It’s a minimal use case, but it’s powerful.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Elemental Explosion Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Magic Damage
  • Shock Damage
  • Frost Damage
  • Flame Damage
  • Trauma
  • Knockback
  • Stun
  • Dispel

Signature Scripts

  • Assassin’s Misery
  • Class Mastery
  • Druid’s Resurgence
  • Hunter’s Snare
  • Immobilizing Strike
  • Lingering Torment
  • Warmage’s Defense

Affix Scripts

  • Major Brutality/Sorcery
  • Minor Brittle
  • Minor Cowardice
  • Minor Defile
  • Minor Enervation
  • Minor Lifesteal
  • Minor Magickasteal
  • Off-Balance

There are a lot of powerful Scripts for Elemental Explosion. Flame Damage/Assassin’s Misery/Minor Brittle are some notably strong choices, but Lingering Torment, Off-Balance, and any other elemental damage types could also see play.

8 Ulfsild’s Contingency

Ulfsild’s Contingency is a powerful, engaging ability used as the last cast before engaging your target. Whether it’s a trash pack in PvE or a group of players in PvP, the burst potential from contingency makes this ability suitable. Paired with a skill like Proximity Detonation, you can layer multiple AOEs to cause a single burst at first contact.

At the very least, Contingency will see play in trash setups for PvE. The major downside is this ability triggers your first skill cast that costs resources, which might mean it blows up early rather than when you’re in the middle of the pack.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with Ulfsild’s Contingency Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Magic Damage
  • Frost Damage
  • Flame Damage
  • Knockback
  • Immobilize
  • Healing
  • Damage Shield

Signature Script

  • Class Mastery
  • Gladiator’s Tenacity
  • Growing Impact
  • Hunter’s Snare
  • Lingering Torment
  • Sage’s Remedy
  • Warrior’s Opportunity

Affix Scripts

  • Minor Breach
  • Minor Enervation
  • Minor Force
  • Minor Intellect/Endurance
  • Minor Magickasteal
  • Minor Protection
  • Minor Resolve
  • Minor Vulnerability

The best Scripts to combine with Contingency are Flame Damage/Lingering Torment/Minor Vulnerability. You could swap Flame damage out for any other damage sources, such as notable frost damage as a warden, or Minor Vuln out for Minor Breach.

7 Wield Soul

Wield Soul is a solid ranged spammable with additional utility built into the scripts. You can use this ability to deal high single target dps with good status effect procs as a single target direct damage skill. You can also use this as a ranged stun or pull for PvP content. There’s also an oblivion damage script that could see some play.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Wield Soul Grimoire:

Focus Script

  • Physical Damage
  • Magic Damage
  • Shock Damage
  • Pull
  • Stun
  • Healing
  • Damage Shield

Signature Script

  • Anchorite’s Cruelty
  • Anchorite’s Potency
  • Class Mastery
  • Druid’s Resurgence
  • Lingering Torment
  • Sage’s Remedy

Affix Script

  • Empower
  • Major Breach
  • Major Brutality/Sorcery
  • Major Cowardice
  • Major Defile
  • Major Intellect/Endurance
  • Major Resolve
  • Major Vitality

The best scripts to combine with the Wield Soul Grimoire are shock damage or stunt, as your focus scripts are paired with Anchorite’s Cruelty for extra damage or Druid’s Resurgence for more sustainment. For your affix script, Major Cowardice will be strong at range along with Major Defile.

6 Torchbearer

Torchbearer is in an exciting spot. On one hand, it offers an incredible set of different utility and damage scripts. On the other hand, it’s a 2-second channel time. Channels aren’t always wrong, and this will probably see some PvE play, but there are probably better utility Grimoires without the cumbersome channel time.

Torchbearer offers a source of Minor Heroism to the entire group. While a potentially better option is coming later in this list, the ultimate generation from this skill, when paired with both Generate Ultimate and Minor Heroism, is worth considering on a healer for specific group compositions.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Torchbearer Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Physical Damage
  • Bleed Damage
  • Flame Damage
  • Knockback
  • Stun
  • Generate Ultimate
  • Healing

Signature Scripts

  • Class Mastery
  • Crusader’s Defiance
  • Druid’s Resurgence
  • Gladiator’s Tenacity
  • Hunter’s Snare
  • Lingering Torment
  • Warrior’s Opportunity

Affix Scripts

  • Minor Breach
  • Minor Cowardice
  • Minor Evasion
  • Minor Heroism
  • Minor Mangle
  • Minor Resolve
  • Minor Uncertainty
  • Minor Vitality

The ultimate generation setup for Torchbearer is Generate Ultimate/Class Mastery/Minor Heroism. This is very strong with the Sorcerer class mastery script that generates some extra healing for the two-second cast time. You could also use Gladiator’s Tenacity to mitigate severe damage to the entire group.

5 Smash

Smash is making it into the middle of this list due to its PvP utility. Two-hand weapons are already highly utilized in PvP content, so a customizable 2h ability is beneficial. It does have a short cast time, but unlike some of the other Grimoires, it’s a short cast.

This skill is really what you want it to be. You can add a little extra healing or crowd control based on what you think your build needs. The stun is powerful if you’re missing stuns in your build, and Crusader’s Defiance is a solid cc shred.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Smash Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Physical Damage
  • Bleed Damage
  • Magic Damage
  • Taunt
  • Knockback
  • Stun
  • Healing
  • Damage Shield

Signature Scripts

  • Class Mastery
  • Crusader’s Defiance
  • Druid’s Resurgence
  • Fencer’s Parry
  • Immobilizing Strike
  • Leeching Thirst
  • Lingering Torment
  • Sage’s Remedy
  • Wayfarer’s Mastery

Affix Scripts

  • Interrupt
  • Minor Berserk
  • Minor Breach
  • Minor Expedition
  • Minor Force
  • Minor Maim
  • Minor Mangle
  • Minor Vitality

Some powerful Scripts to combine with the Smash Grimoire are Stun/Crusader’s Defiance/Minor Breach. The breadth of minor breach sources introduced with Scribing means you probably want to include minor breach somewhere in your kit to utilize the extra resistance shred. You can also build a shield into Smash with the Damage Shield script and Druid’s Resurgence for some extra sustain.

4 Traveling Knife

Traveling knife is a great DPS ability with many variations depending on class and content. You can both offensively build this skill for PvE and include additional utility for PvP content. However, the main benefit of this skill is to use it to boost your status and damage in PvE content. With the Status Effect Signature Script, you gain a 100% chance to apply status effects for 10 seconds. With the strong status effects in content right now, this ability will boost your other damage sources. Depending on your build and class, this will be more or less effective.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Traveling Knife Grimoire:

Focus Script

  • Bleed Damage
  • Magic Damage
  • Multi-Target
  • Physical Damage
  • Poison Damage
  • Pull
  • Stun

Signature Scripts

  • Class Mastery
  • Fencer’s Parry
  • Hunter’s Snare
  • Leeching Thirst
  • Lingering Torment
  • Status Effect
  • Warmage’s Defense
  • Warrior’s Opportunity
  • Wayfarer’s Mastery

Affix Scripts

  • Major Savagery/Prophecy
  • Minor Berserk
  • Minor Expedition
  • Minor Lifesteal
  • Minor Maim
  • Minor Uncertainty
  • Minor Vulnerability
  • Off-Balance

The best Scripts for Traveling Knives depend entirely on your build and class. In general, however, building this skill for status effects will make it viable for many builds. Using poison, physical, or Bleeding damage will all provide substantial status effect damage. One niche change is also Warrior’s Opportunity. For builds that deal a lot of martial damage, like the Stamina Necromancer, the 8% damage boost is insane.

3 Shield Throw

Shield Throw is an incredible utility Grimoire for both PvE and PvP content. The nice thing about Shield Throw is it has a bit of everything built into its scripts. You can taunt, heal, control the crowd, do damage, interrupt, and more. This Grimoire is ranked so highly because of its Signature script, Fencer’s Parry. Fencer’s Parry allows you to deflect the next direct damage attack used against you. A well-timed Fencer’s Parry negates a strong hit, saving resources while providing additional utility to a single skill.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Shield Throw Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Physical Damage
  • Magic Damage
  • Multi-Target
  • Taunt
  • Knockback
  • Pull
  • Immobilize

Signature Scripts

  • Class Mastery
  • Druid’s Resurgence
  • Fencer’s Parry
  • Knight’s Valor
  • Lingering Torment
  • Sage’s Remedy
  • Thief’s Swiftness
  • Wayfarer’s Mastery

Affix Scripts

  • Interrupt
  • Major Cowardice
  • Major Evasion
  • Major Maim
  • Major Resolve
  • Major Vitality
  • Minor Enervation
  • Off-Balance

The best Scripts to combine with Shield Throw for PvE content are Taunt/Fencer’s Parry/Major Vitality. You could also utilize Pull if you need a chain. Sage’s Remedy builds in some additional healing, and an interrupt can be used as a ranged interrupt. for PvP, the knockback, pull, and immobilize Focus Scripts are also very strong.

Still, Fencer’s Parry and Major Vitality are the no-brainer options. There aren’t many sources of Major Vitality, and with the damage deflection of Fencer’s Parry, you can get much more durable in just a single skill cast. Moving onto number two in our list of ESO Top Grimoires Ranked and What to Use is Vault!

2 Vault

Vault offers an unreal amount of utility in PvP content. There probably won’t be any reason to run Vault in PvE content, but the movement is one of the best damage mitigation tools we have in PvP. With good Vault scripts, this skill packs an insane amount of utility into a single skill.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Vault Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Physical Damage
  • Poison Damage
  • Disease Damage
  • Flame Damage
  • Taunt
  • Immobilize
  • Healing

Signature Scripts

  • Class Mastery
  • Crusader’s Defiance
  • Druid’s Resurgence
  • Hunter’s Snare
  • Lingering Torment
  • Sage’s Remedy
  • Thief’s Swiftness
  • Wayfarer’s Mastery

Affix Scripts

  • Major Evasion
  • Major Savagery/Prophecy
  • Minor Expedition
  • Minor Force
  • Minor Lifesteal
  • Minor Maim
  • Minor Vulnerability
  • Off-Balance

There are a lot of different solid scripts that could make sense to run with Vault. The best build for PvP isn’t a single line of scripts; it’s individual builds looking at what they can’t currently source with their build and using Vault to fill in the gaps.

That said, an all-around utility build for Vault would be Immobilize/Crusader’s Defiance/Minor Expedition. Using this skill to disengage, you immobilize your target, remove up to 3 snares or immobilizations from yourself, and gain 15% movement speed for 10 seconds. This allows you to control the space between you and your target effectively.

Still, this setup should change based on what your build is lacking. Hunter’s Snare is another solid option, slowing enemies. You can also pack quite a bit of healing into Vault if you already have enough crowd control.

1 Mender’s Bond

Mender’s Bond is incredibly strong in the upcoming Gold Road expansion. While we haven’t thoroughly tested everything yet, Mender’s Bond offers incredible group utility in PvE content. Depending on how you build it, it also doubles as a filthy ball group buff. You essentially tether to an ally and choose the effects that tether gives to everything touching it. In boss encounters, you’ll most often want to bond the tank holding the boss, then stand behind the group, hitting the entire group with Mender’s Bond.

The list below includes all Scripts that can be combined with the Mender’s Bond Grimoire:

Focus Scripts

  • Magic Damage
  • Immobilize
  • Healing
  • Restore Resources
  • Damage Shield
  • Mitigation
  • Generate Ultimate

Signature Scripts

  • Class Mastery
  • Crusader’s Defiance
  • Damage Shield
  • Druid’s Resurgence
  • Healing
  • Hunter’s Snare
  • Knight’s Valor

Affix Scripts

  • Empower
  • Minor Breach
  • Minor Brittle
  • Minor Courage
  • Minor Heroism
  • Minor Intellect/Endurance
  • Minor Maim
  • Minor Protection
  • Minor Vitality

The best Scripts to combine with the Mender’s Bond Grimoire are either healing or damage shielding. You can then decide if you want to give allies a heal or a shield for leaving the tether. Because they are tethered, however, you can also manually proc that second shield or heal by moving your tether away from the group.

The best affix script will be minor heroism, but you can change it depending on your group. Right now, minor heroism is supplied by ulti-pots, which are incredibly expensive. Instead of chugging ulti-pots, you can now source minor heroism from the healer.

We look forward to adjusting this and expect it to change through eso updates. Stay tuned for more on ESO Top Grimoires Ranked What to Use.

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ESO: Top Grimoires Ranked - What to Use (2024)
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