Butte County Court Oroville Ca (2024)

1. Butte County Superior Court

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2. Court Information | Butte County, CA

  • Butte County California. 25 County Center Drive Oroville, CA 95965. Quick Links · Board Information · Departments · Administrator's Office · County Budget.

  • Civil child support matters are heard at the Butte County Superior Court.

3. Butte County, North Butte County Courthouse - facilities_program

4. Butte County Superior Court | Oroville CA - Facebook

  • Butte County Superior Court, Oroville, California. 23 likes · 702 were here. Government Building.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

5. BUTTE COUNTY COURTHOUSE - One Court St, Oroville, California

  • BUTTE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, One Court St, Oroville, CA 95965, Mon - 8:30 am - 3:00 pm, Tue - 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, Wed - 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, Thu - 8:30 am - 4:00 ...

  • 4.7 (3 reviews)

6. Court Fines | Butte County, CA

  • The County of Butte and Butte County Superior Court both play a role in collecting court-ordered fines and fees. The Court handles the collection of current ...

  • The County of Butte and Butte County Superior Court both play a role in collecting court-ordered fines and fees.

7. Butte County Superior Court - One Legal Support

  • Court locations ; Butte County Courthouse 1 Court Street Oroville, CA 95965, Courtesy Copy Delivery Deadline: Before 12:00 p.m. (For delivery next court day) ...

  • Services eFiling Maximum file size:  25 MB per document / 35 MB total Butte County is an eFileCA court.  Learn more, including how to connect your eFileCA

8. Butte County Clerk Recorder, CA | Official Website

  • Contact Us. 155 Nelson Avenue. Oroville, CA 95965. Phone: 530-552-3400 · County Clerk Recorders Email · Archives Email · Elections & Passport Email · Directions ...

  • Contact Us

9. Butte County - The California Supreme Court Historical Society

  • Butte County Courthouse. Completed 1856. The courts occupied this brick building in downtown Oroville for the duration of the “Courthouse Wars”–a ...

  • A photographic profile of California's landmark county courthouses, including details about the structure and county judicial history › Butte County

Butte County Court Oroville Ca (2024)


How much do you get paid for jury duty in Butte County? ›

Jurors will be paid a fee of $15.00 a day and mileage from their home to the courthouse and back beginning the second day of service, except when the juror is employed by a federal, state, or local government entity, or by any other public entity as defined by Section 481.200 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

How to postpone jury duty in Butte County? ›

Requests for postponements may be made online, by phone at (530) 532-7035 during regular business hours, or in writing addressed to the Office of the Jury Commissioner, 1775 Concord Avenue, Chico CA 95928.

Where is the Superior Court of Butte County? ›

The Superior Court of Butte County operated out of two geographically separate facilities: the Chico Courthouse in the northern part of the county, where the population is greatest, and the main Butte County Courthouse in Oroville, located in the south.

What is the highest court in CA has? ›

The state Supreme Court serves as the highest court in the state and has discretion to review decisions of the Courts of Appeal in order to settle important questions of law and to resolve conflicts among the Courts of Appeal.

What is a permanent excuse from jury duty in California? ›

(5) "Permanent medical excuse" means a release from jury service granted by the jury commissioner to a person with a disability whose condition is unlikely to resolve and who, with or without disability-related accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, is not capable of performing jury service.

How much is a juror paid per day in California? ›

California provides jurors with $15 every day starting on the second day of service, except employees of governmental entities who receive full pay and benefits from their employers while on jury service.

What is the best excuse to miss jury duty? ›

A prospective juror may be excused if he/she:
  • Has a physical or mental disability that would prevent him/her from serving. ...
  • Must provide actual and necessary care for another and alternate arrangements are not feasible. ...
  • Is unable to read or understand the English language.
  • Over 75 years of age.

What if I am sick the day of jury duty in California? ›

Requests for excuse must be submitted and approved in advance. Medical excuses must have a doctor's statement attached to aid the Court in rendering a decision. Prior to your first reporting date, you MUST always call the 800-998-9035 after 6PM to obtain the status of your excuse request.

Can I bring water to jury duty California? ›

Any jurors not needed during their service week will be excused. Reporting jurors are encouraged to bring their own bottled water, as coffee and tea will not be provided in the Jury Assembly Rooms and Jury Deliberation Rooms.

What is a minute order? ›

A minute order is a specific type of interim order in a family law case. It is a brief record of a judge's decision in a court hearing, typically prepared by the court clerk. Minute orders are merely summaries of the decisions made by the judge during a hearing. They are not as detailed as formal court orders.

How many judges are in Butte County? ›

The bench is comprised of eleven judges and two commissioners.

What county is Oroville, CA in? ›

Oroville (Oro, Spanish for "Gold" and Ville, French for "town") is the county seat of Butte County, California, United States.

What is the lowest level of court in California? ›

Almost all appeals of decisions by trial courts must pass through the Courts of Appeal before reaching the Supreme Court. The lowest level of the California state court system consists of the California Superior Courts. The Superior Courts are trial courts with general jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases.

What does stare decisis mean? ›

Stare decisis means “to stand by things decided” in Latin. When a court faces a legal argument, if a previous court has ruled on the same or a closely related issue, then the court will make their decision in alignment with the previous court's decision.

What type of cases are heard in a superior court? ›

Superior courts have trial jurisdiction over all criminal and civil cases. Special departments of the courts handle family, probate, mental health, juvenile, small claims, and traffic cases. Many superior courts also have specialty depart- ments for nonviolent drug offenses and domestic violence cases.

Do you get paid for jury duty Colorado? ›

Who will pay me for serving as a juror? Your employer has a duty under state law to pay regular wages up to $50 per day if you are regularly employed per §13-71-126, C.R.S. Employers may pay more than $50 by mutual agreement.

Do you get paid for jury duty Oregon? ›

Juror Compensation

Jurors are entitled to: Days 1 and 2 - $10 per day. Day 3 and any subsequent day served - $25 per day.

How much do employees get paid for jury duty in California? ›

Are California employers responsible to pay employees during jury duty? California law does not require employers to pay employees during jury service, according to the California Courts website. However, some employers do have jury-leave policies that provide workers with pay for the time they are at court.

Do you get paid for jury duty Texas? ›

You will be paid a $50.00 attendance fee for each day you are required to report for your assigned jury duty. If you are required to attend court for more than ten days in hearing a case, and unless the presiding judge decides otherwise, your daily attendance fee will increase to $60.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.