Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, PL2 3LF - detailed information | (2024)

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Overview of PL2 3LF

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    Average Price: £273,099

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Beaconfield Road isin Plymouth and in Plymouth district.PL2 3LF is located in the Peverell electoral ward, within the EnglishParliamentary constituency of Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport. This postcode has been in usesince 1980-01-01.

StreetScan combines information about Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, PL2 3LF and displays a report on thequality oflife in this place and its surroundings.

Nearby postcodes are: PL2 3LG, PL2 3JX, PL2 3JY, PL2 3QW, PL2 3ED, PL2 3JU, PL2 3LQ, PL2 3DH, PL2 3LE.



In the UK, the overall gender distribution is approximately 49% male and 51% female.However, the area surrounding PL2 3LF, has a female population slightly higher than UK average, with 52.2% of residents being female. Several factors can contribute to this. Women generally live longer than men, resulting in a higher proportion of women in neighborhoods with significant elderly populations. Typically, as people grow older, they tend to relocate from city center addresses to suburban areas, smaller towns, and rural locations. Consequently, these areas often have a higher number of females. A higher female population can also be found in areas with industries that employ more women, such as healthcare, education, and retail.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)

Partnership Status

Across the UK, the average relationship status breakdown is roughly 44% married, 38% single, 9%divorced, 6% widowed, and 2% separated.

In the immediate vicinity of PL2 3LF there is a very large concentration ofresidents that are married- 51.4% of theresident population. In contrast, the average marriage rate across the census is about 44%.

Areas with a high percentage of married residents are typically suburban neighborhoods,towns with good schools and family-friendly amenities, and regions with affordable, spacioushousing options. Additionally, such areas can be popular among retirees.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Married: Opposite sex55.4%51.4%-4.0%44.2%7.2%


Across the UK, the average 48.4% rated their health as Very Good, 33.6% as Good, 12.7% as Fair,4% as Bad, and 1.2% as Very Bad.

Population age significantly impacts residents' health. Additionally, socioeconomic status playsa crucial role: higher income levels and lower poverty rates are linked to better healthoutcomes. Affluent areas benefit from higher living standards, access to private healthcare, andhealthier lifestyle choices.

This area has a high percentage of residents reporting their health as Good or Very Good (87.4%) compared to the average (82%). This typically indicates either a younger population or more affluent area.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Very good health54.4%59.2%4.8%48.4%10.8%
Good health34.7%28.2%-6.5%33.6%-5.4%
Fair health7.2%10.8%3.6%12.7%-1.9%
Bad health3.1%1.6%-1.5%4.0%-2.4%
Very bad health0.6%0.3%-0.3%1.2%-0.9%

Education and Qualifications

During the 2021 census, the educational qualifications of residents across the UK were asfollows: 18.2% had no qualifications, 9.6% had 1-4 GCSEs, 13.4% had 5 or more GCSEs and 1-2 A/ASLevels, 16.9% had 2 or more A Levels, 33.8% held a degree (or equivalent), and 5.4% hadcompleted an apprenticeship.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
No qualifications9.5%11%1.5%18.2%-7.2%
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent 15.3%9.3%-6.0%9.6%-0.3%
5 or more GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels24.4%17.9%-6.5%13.4%4.5%
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels13.2%17.9%4.7%16.9%1.0%
Degree or Similar28.9%34.6%5.7%33.8%0.8%


Ethnic Group

This area closely mirrors the overall ethnic composition of the UK, with 89.7% of the population identifying as white, with UK average of 81.4%.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Other Asian0%1.6%1.6%1.6%0.0%
Black African0.6%0%-0.6%2.5%-2.5%
Other Black0.3%0%-0.3%0.5%-0.5%
Mixed White and Asian0%1.3%1.3%0.8%0.5%
Mixed White and African0.3%0.3%0.0%0.4%-0.1%
Mixed White and Caribbean0.3%0%-0.3%0.9%-0.9%
Mixed Other0.3%0.6%0.3%0.8%-0.2%

Country of Birth

In this area, 89% of the population were born in the United Kingdom, which is similar to the UK average of 83.2%.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
United Kingdom96.6%89%-7.6%83.2%5.8%
European Union0.9%3.8%2.9%6.1%-2.3%
Middle East and Asia1.6%6.6%5.0%5.6%1.0%
The Americas and the Caribbean0.3%0%-0.3%1.3%-1.3%

Length of Residence

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Born in the UK96.6%88.4%-8.2%83.2%5.2%
10+ Years0%5.6%5.6%9.8%-4.2%
5-10 Years0.6%4.1%3.5%2.9%1.2%
2-5 Years0.3%1.3%1.0%2.2%-0.9%
Less than 2 years2.5%0.6%-1.9%1.9%-1.3%

Passport Held

2021UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
United Kingdom86.2%76.7%9.5%
Southern Asia0.3%1.2%-0.9%
No passport held11.3%13.5%-2.2%


2021UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
No religion50.5%37.2%13.3%
Not answered3.5%6.0%-2.5%


Is Beaconfield Road dangerous?

In 2023, 157 crimes were reportednear Beaconfield Road .52% of streets in the UK are more dangerous.Crime level on this street is below average.The most common type of crime wasviolence and sexual offences. Crime rate was measured within a 0.5 mile radius of PL2 3LF. Click here to see crime on map and more crime statistics for PL2 3LF.

Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through under theOpen Government Licence.

More Crime Statistics for Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, PL2 3LF


Household Income

Households in this area have a similar level of wealth to the average household in England and Wales.58% of analyzed areas in England and Wales have higher average household annual income than this area.

Average Household Income

Income Rank

Household Income in PL2 3LF, Local Authority and Region


  • Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) - 3/10 (low)

    Indices of multiple deprivation (IMD) is used to classify the relative deprivation (a measure of poverty) of the area. It considers the following domains:

  • Income Deprivation Domain - 3/10 (low)

    The Income Deprivation Domain measures the percentage of people in the population who are experiencing poverty due to having a low income. It includes both those who are unemployed and those who are employed but earn very little (and who satisfy the respective means tests).

  • Employment Deprivation Domain - 3/10 (low)

    The Employment Deprivation Domain measures the proportion of the working-age population in an area involuntarily excluded from the labour market. This includes people who would like to work but are unable to do so due to unemployment, sickness or disability, or caring responsibilities.

  • Education, Skills and Training Domain - 4/10 (below average)

    The Education, Skills, and Training Deprivation Domain measures the lack of education and skills in a local area. It has two parts: one for children and young people, and one for adults. The part for children and young people looks at their school achievements ('flow'), while the part for adults looks at the number of adults without qualifications ('stock').

  • Health Deprivation and Disability Domain - 5/10 (average)

    The Health Deprivation and Disability Domain measures the risk of early death and poor quality of life due to bad physical or mental health. It looks at illness, disability, and early death, but not at behaviors or environments that might affect future health.

  • Crime Domain - 1/10 (very low)

    The Crime Domain measures the risk of people and property being victims of crime in a local area.

  • Barriers to Housing and Services Domain - 1/10 (very low)

    The Barriers to Housing and Services Domain measures how easy or hard it is to access housing and local services. It has two parts: one looks at how close local services are, and the other looks at issues like how affordable housing is.

  • Living Environment Deprivation Domain - 9/10 (very high)

    The Living Environment Deprivation Domain measures the quality of the local environment. It has two parts: the "indoors" part looks at housing quality, and the "outdoors" part looks at air quality and road traffic accidents.

  • Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) - 3/10 (low)

    The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) measures how many children aged 0 to 15 live in low-income families. It is part of the Income Deprivation Domain, which looks at how many people in an area have low incomes. This includes both those who are unemployed and those who work but earn very little (and who satisfy the respective means tests).

  • Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI) - 3/10 (low)

    The Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI) measures the percentage of people aged 60 or older who have low income. It is part of the Income Deprivation Domain, which looks at how many people in an area have low income, including both unemployed people and those with low-paying jobs (and who satisfy the respective means tests).

Property Prices

Average property prices on Beaconfield Road are basedon 16 property sales since the beginning of 1995. Estimated property prices are calculated by adjusting the last sale price by current House PriceIndex for Plymouth.
StreetScan downloads house price data directly from the HM Land Registry and uses it tocreate these statistics.

Estimated Average Property Prices for PL2 3LF

Average Price


no sales


no sales

no sales

Estimated Average Property Prices for Beaconfield Road

Average Price

no sales

no sales

no sales

no sales

no sales

Property Prices Comparison

Latest PropertySales on Beaconfield Road

AddressSale PriceSale DatePrice Estimate 2023
67 Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, City Of Plymouth
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
73 Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, City Of Plymouth
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
63 Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, City Of Plymouth
Detached, an established residential building
67 Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, City Of Plymouth
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
71 Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, City Of Plymouth
Semi-Detached, an established residential building


PL2 3LF area has a low unemployment rate. According to Census2021, 2%residents of this area were unemployed, while the average in the UK was 4.83%. A low level ofunemployment in an area indicates a strong job market, where most people who are seeking work canfind employment. This generally reflects a healthy economy in the area.

The percentage of student residents living in PL2 3LF area is much higherthan the country's average. Usually places with high percentage of students are nearUniversities and near entertainment places.

Economic Activity

Full-Time Employee91
Part-Time Employee34
Student (economically inactive)17
Looking after home or family10
Long-Term Sick or disabled10
Full-Time Student (with or without job)8

Employment Industry

Human health and social work activities27
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles24
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security22
Professional, scientific and technical activities15
Transport and storage9
Information and communication8
Administrative and support service activities6
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 6
Accommodation and food service activities4
Real estate activities2
Financial and insurance activities1
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities1



Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Ham Drive Nursery School and Day Care
Ham Drive, Ham PL2 2NJ
3out of 4886 ydLocal authority nursery schoolYesMixedMore About School
Plym Bridge Nursery and Day Care
Miller Way, Estover PL6 8UN
3out of 44,660 ydLocal authority nursery schoolYesMixedMore About School


Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Montpelier Primary School
North Down Road, Beacon Park PL2 3HN
2out of 4199 ydAcademy converterNoMixedMore About School
Pennycross Primary School
Arden Grove, Pennycross PL2 3RL
3out of 4541 ydCommunity schoolNoMixedMore About School
Mayflower Academy
41 Ham Drive, PL2 2NJ
4out of 4886 ydAcademy sponsor ledYesMixedMore About School
Ford Primary School
Cambridge Road, Ford PL2 1PU
3out of 41,299 ydAcademy converterYesMixedMore About School
Hyde Park Junior School
Hyde Park Road, Mutley PL3 4RH
2out of 41,699 ydAcademy converterNoMixedMore About School


Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Devonport High School for Girls
Lyndhurst Road, Peverell PL2 3DL
3out of 4321 ydAcademy converterNot ApplicableGirlsMore About School
All Saints Church of England Academy
Pennycross, PL5 3NE
1out of 4994 ydAcademy sponsor ledNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
Scott Medical and Healthcare College
Somerset Place, Stoke PL3 4BD
- not rated1,573 ydStudio schoolsNoMixedMore About School
Stoke Damerel Community College
Somerset Place, Stoke PL3 4BD
2out of 41,577 ydAcademy converterNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
St Boniface's RC College
21 Boniface Lane, Crownhill PL5 3AG
1out of 42,036 ydAcademy sponsor ledNoBoysMore About School

16 plus

Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
City College Plymouth
Kings Road, Devonport PL1 5QG
- not rated2,630 ydFurther educationNot ApplicableMixedMore About School


Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Millbay Academy
22 Millbay Road, PL1 3EG
- not rated3,098 ydFree schoolsYesMixedMore About School

Not applicable

Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
King's School
Hartley Road, Mannamead PL3 5LW
- not rated1,500 ydOther independent schoolYesMixedMore About School
Plymouth College
Ford Park, Plymouth PL4 6RN
- not rated1,780 ydOther independent schoolYesMixedMore About School
Fletewood School at Derry Villas
88 North Road East, PL4 6AN
- not rated2,345 ydOther independent schoolYesMixedMore About School
Courtlands School
Widey Lane, Crownhill PL6 5JS
3out of 42,410 ydAcademy special converterNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
Mount Tamar School
Row Lane, Higher St Budeaux PL5 2EF
3out of 42,500 ydCommunity special schoolNot ApplicableMixedMore About School

School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.

Food and Drink

Restaurants, Cafes, Canteens

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Meet and Eat CafeWestbourne Unit, Scott Business Park, Beacon Park Road690 yd
Plymouth Argyle Football Club - CateringHome Park Football Ground, Outland Road761 yd
PAFC Green Taverners Supporters BarHome Park Football Ground, Outland Road761 yd
The Meadow CafeCentral Park, Mayflower Drive858 yd
Plymouth Life Centre CafeMayflower Drive991 yd

Pubs, Bars, Nightclubs

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Cherry Tree291 Ham Drive730 yd
Britannia Inn2 Wolseley Road956 yd
Embassy Club3-5 Wolseley Road971 yd

Takeaway, Sandwich Shops

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Yungs Take Away39 Lopes Road286 yd
Eastern Sunrise29 Melrose Avenue673 yd
Subham Takeaway5 Ham Green710 yd
Bayleaf Gardens303 Ham Drive796 yd
Francines Fish and Chips Shop15-17 North Prospect Road848 yd

Supermarkets, Hypermarkets

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
The Co-operative Food288-296 Beacon Park Road396 yd
Iceland at the Range1 Montpelier Road398 yd
Tesco62 Wolseley Road969 yd


Facility NameSport ObjectsDistance
Devonport High School For Girls
athletics tracks, grass pitches193 yd
Peverell Park (Closed)
Outland Road
grass pitches442 yd
Goals Soccer Centre (Plymouth)
artificial grass pitch450 yd
Plymouth Civil Service Club (Closed)
Recreation Road
grass pitches, health and fitness suite, indoor bowls468 yd
Plymouth Argyle Fc (Harpers Park Training Ground)
grass pitches700 yd
Plymouth Argyle Fc (Home Park)
grass pitches741 yd
Plymouth Life Centre
health and fitness suite, indoor bowls, squash courts, swimming pool803 yd
Home Park East
Barn Park Road
grass pitches886 yd
Mayflower Leisure Centre (Closed)
Mayflower Drive
health and fitness suite, indoor bowls, squash courts890 yd
Mayflower Community Academy
grass pitches953 yd

This statistics are based on Active Places Data - Contains Data © Sport England


Technology Aviability

Percentage of premises that have Superfast Broadband(30Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband(100Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (300Mbit/s or greater) coveragefrom fixed broadband100.0%
Percentage of premises that have coverage from a Gigabit capable service from fixedbroadband100.0%

Speed Aviability

Percentage of premises unable to receive 2Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 5Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 10Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 30Mbit/s0.0%

Download Speed

Median download speed47.6 Mbit/s
Average download speed133 Mbit/s
Minimum download speed600 Mbit/s
Maximum download speed600 Mbit/s

Upload Speed

Median upload speed10 Mbit/s
Average upload speed13.8 Mbit/s
Maximum upload speed40 Mbit/s

Broadband statistics are based on Ofcom's Communications Market Report (CMR) 2022.

Beaconfield Road, Plymouth, PL2 3LF - detailed information | (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6199

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.